(Our) Year in Review

Oliver Sharp
3 min readDec 31, 2021

Christmas, as we know, is not just a day; not simply 1/365th of the year. It’s a relentless 2 month/ one sixth of the year purge of all things twee and consumptive. And, no doubt, as necessary as it is enjoyable (whichever side of the Scrooge fence you sit on). The same can be said of the end-of-year reviews, which litter the media and web this time of year. The adage about opinions and a certain body part springs to mind.

Like many of you, for us this year has been like no other and maybe more worthy than most of reflection. Planning the launch of a platform for an industry sub-sector that is yet to exist is scary and thrilling in equal measure. There is the pressure of being the first and best in the market whilst maintaining aesthetic, usability and security standards. There’s a gulf between being good at crypto investing and creating one. It can be done on the cheap/quickly but that tends to produce commensurate results.

Our exec team, then a group of crypto enthusiasts, started off the year meeting to discuss portfolios and bandy ideas. NFTs were often at the top of the topic list. We had been tuned into GaryVee, DKleine, Cuban et. al., for years and could see where this was going. Q1 & 2 NFT sales were nothing to get exciting about, comparable with the average maintained since 2018. As Spring slipped into Summer, we started to see the growth that got everyone so excited. But we had a head start, having set up the company earlier that Spring. By August we had a stellar team, branding and a business plan.

The market continued to rally and then settle to a monthly average 6x higher than it began the year on. But our focus was never on the sales of the trash art, gaming or collectables. My educational background is in art theory and I researched at Goldsmiths on the future of art. As a team, we could all see that future of NFTs and art lay in taping into the traditional art world, by building alliances with established international gallery and artists brands. We knew we had to build the world’s premier platform for tokenised physical artworks. It would quickly become the NFT gold standard and would modernise the traditional art world. In short, it would grow the NFT market substantially, opening an untapped resource, benefitting artists, galleries and collectors.

We are about to send our whitelist invitations to begin our funding round. This will facilitate the platform, AR metaverse app and smart TV apps we are developing. It might sound like we’re at the beginning but getting to a stage where you can employ multiple dev teams and run a team of 50 is far from it. Ultimately, it’s all part of the process of realising our objectives and running one of the world’s most successful NFT platforms. Watch this space and remember, Christmas (and the next ‘Year in Review’) is just around the corner. Have a good New Years!

If you want to be part of the presale feel free to email us: presale@metaphora.art.

Oliver Sharp, Co-Founder & COO

#NFT #art #metaverse



Oliver Sharp

The world’s premier platform or tokenised physical-art NFTs, unlocking an unexplored metaverse of high-profile, digital assets with inherent launch value.